

The home page, which contains a basic summary of the website.

What is the Braille System?

An explanation of the Braille system.

Sub-topic Chapters:
The Braille Alphabet
Special Characters
Previous Systems
Methods for Writing Braille
Uses for Braille

The Story of Louis Braille

A detailed chronological story of the life of Louis Braille, the man who invented the Braille system at age 15.

Sub-topic Chapters:
How Louis Became Blind
Young Life In Coupvray
The Royal Institute for Blind Youth
Perfecting the Braille System
Louis' Adult Life and Late Years
Recognitions and Monuments
Louis Braille Timeline

How Braille Impacted History

An explanation of why I chose Braille as my topic for the National History Day contest theme "Innovation in History: Impact and Change."

Past and Present Braille Literacy

Statistics and facts about Braille literacy in the past and the present.

Sub-topic Chapters:
What Braille Means to Me
Braille Literacy Resolutions


Various information related to the site.

About this Website
Contents of the Website
Annotated Bibliography